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Our Story


 We publish books that fulfill our mission to discover and share well-written, beautiful stories told from the heart. You, as the author, and Bellastoria, as your publisher, share the cost of bringing your book to the world.


We offer authors a personalized, hands-on experience that guides them through the publishing process from manuscript evaluation and editing to production, marketing and distribution.


The investment you and Bellastoria make in the editing, publication and distribution of your book reflects the care we give to each project, while offering authors a fair and generous return of 50% of net profits.

Our Story

Bellastoria Press Founder Ann DeFee

Ann DeFee

Linda Cardillo, author

Linda Cardillo

Bellastoria Partner Vana Nespor

Vana Nespor

We are Bellastoria Press partners Ann DeFee,  Linda Cardillo and Vana Nespor.


Ann and Linda met in the early years of our writing careers when we were introduced by our Harlequin editor at a party with a chocolate fountain and “signature” cocktails. Recognizing that we were kindred spirits, we spent the next few years building our backlists and hammering out plots in hotel rooms at conferences. 


A few years ago we began to notice a pattern among our writing friends. Previously multi-published authors were facing increasing difficulty finding a welcome with traditional publishers. 


As we stood on the edge of the chasm that 21st–century publishing had become, we didn’t retreat to our garrets, burning manuscripts to keep warm. 


We decided instead to confront the industry upheaval and unprecedented rejection facing talented writers by founding Bellastoria Press.


Since we established Bellastoria Press in 2014 we have. . .

  • published 29 titles in fiction and memoir and 8 children’s picture books

  • added a partner, Vana Nespor, a playwright and nonfiction author, whose vision and energy have helped us both  to grow and to offer authors a personal experience on their publishing journey

  • won awards and garnered praise for our books

  • built a professional team of editors, designers and formatters.



Now that you know our story...

Process Overview

We welcome high-quality submissions in:



General and women’s fiction

Historical fiction

Magical realism/Fantasy



Suspense and thrillers 





Essay collections


We are no longer publishing children's books and we do not publish erotic fiction.


Notebook stack of handwritten manuscript


Step 1: Submission and Evaluation


Step 2: Contract and Editing


Step 3: Final Acceptance


Step 4: Production and Distribution


Step 5: Marketing Guidance and Support


If your manuscript is accepted, you will be assigned a dedicated managing editor who will work closely with you to create a beautifully written, skillfully designed, and carefully produced book marketed to the world.


  What about the details and fees?

Our Process
Our Fees
Bellastoria Press
Copyright 2022
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